Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hey Y'all,

No, I have not developed another weird syndrome where I start typing random letters. My shortened title actually means.. Y'all. I'm. So. Not.Going.To.Make.It.To.Spring.Break!

I swear, every single one of my munchkins must have eaten crack this morning for breakfast. Including Zoe and Zorro. Today was absolutely insane! For example this is a question I asked during Math today. "Boys and girls, who can give Ms. P an example of a cylinder?" Here's my answers... a rectangular prism, a notebook and finally, finally after grabbing my coke can in my koozie.. they finally caught on. I have felt like I am in the twilight zone all day. The trump of the day came when one of my ESOL children said, "Ms. P, can I have ask you a question." Thinking that he had seen the light of day, I became encouraging. I just knew he was going to make me feel vindicated for my chosen profession. Besides, he tried to form a sentence. "Why does Zoe and Zorro not have the babies?"

With that question, I made a mental note to stop by the ABC store on the way home to make sure I had some RUM. Enough RUM to make sure I could make it through the next month and a half until spring break.

(Dear God, Help Me.)

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