Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Love Me Some Oprah....

Hey Y'all!

Well, I officially survived my classroom move! It is OVER! It is DONE! All 62 boxes have been unpacked, furniture is arranged and I have educational stuff up on my walls! And can I just say.. how wonderful it is to actually have a sink in my classroom now? That is my Christmas miracle right there! Whhooo hooo! Of course, we moved last Friday and I was at school ALL weekend long. I am so exhausted. Not to mention that I have had to teach for the last 3 days. The kids were released today at 12 and let me tell you, I was out the door right behind them. I came home, made a grilled cheese sandwich for me and the furballs and proceeded to take a two hour nap. Life is good! Then of course, I did some cleaning up and laundry. I also had to run out this afternoon and purchase one of my favorite things.. because by the end of the Friday sales it will all be gone! I love the scent of Bath and Body Works Winter Candy Apple that they put out this time of year. Every year I am either too poor or forget to get some, and it is all gone after Turkey Day. This year, I remembered (amazing in my current exhausted frame of mind!) and I went and got some hand soap to put in the bathrooms and kitchen. So yummy smelling hands for me!

If you tuned in to Tee Vee land today.. you saw that Miss Oprah had on her "Favorite Things" show today. Let me just tell you, Oprah needs some snaps this year. Instead of her over the top show she always does (and I love) she opted for a low key, Christmas from the heart show. Let me just tell you it was great. She showed folks how they could give gifts from the heart and not spend a lot of money. As one American who is currently struggling right now, it was a sigh of relief not to sit there and stare at things I can not afford. Ever. In this lifetime. Not while I am a teacher!!!! One of the greatest gifts she gave was free Christmas music.. so for the next 48 hours, you can visit Oprah's site and download 8 songs for free! They even include a CD cover and everything. Of course, I downloaded mine to Ichabod the i-pod, but I immediately made CD's for Mom and my grandmother. So go and visit now and get your great Christmas music!

I am so excited to have a few days off! While I am on Turkey Day break I hope to catch some movies and catch up on my DVR'ed shows. I also plan on catching up on all of my lost sleep! I also have to get on the ball and get my annual Christmas card done... let's just say that it involves Zorro and Zoe in costumes this year...... I'll post tomorrow about the Turkey Day feast!

:) JKP

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