Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ready for Fall TV!!!

Hey Y'all,

I spent a great afternoon at the beach today and feel so much better having some exposure to some Vitamin D! On this last Sunday of summer.. I got to thinking how I am looking forward to the fall shows coming back on TV! I don't watch a lot of shows, and y'all know me, if it is a new show, I won't watch it unless it is a "hit." I hate wasting my time on a show that ends after 7 episodes! I have two exceptions to that rule. I have watched Castle from the beginning and it is my favorite show. It is the one that I have to stay up and watch! And, that is a sacrifice, because it comes on at 10 p.m.! The other show I am looking forward to is Blue Bloods... because well, y'all, Tom Selleck. Need I say more. Here's some clips from the first episode of Castle and Blue Bloods... we all know what I will be watching this fall!

Things don't look so great for Castle!

Tom Selleck is back on TV. All is right in my world. It is the little things that make me happy!

Ok, I am off to do some knitting and to take Pitty Pat for his last walk of the night! Enjoy Labor Day!

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