Friday, August 26, 2011

300th Post! First Week of School! A Stolen Debit Card! AND A HURRICANE!

Hey Y'all!

Well. It is official. I have survived the first week of school. I am absolutely exhausted. Not only because of school, but because it seems for the past 3 weekends I have been at school, working on school stuff at home, or out running errands for school. My class is very sweet and they are really working on second grade procedures. It is always tough that first week because everyone is used to being on vacation. Even Mr. Pitty Pat has had a hard time adjusting!

Last weekend, on my way to school, I stopped at Chick Fil A to pick up some snacks to take with me to munch on. Much to my SURPRISE.... my debit card was DECLINED. I knew I had money in my account, so once I got to school, I logged on and found a scary surprise. My debit card number had been stolen and I had some unauthorized charges on my account. Luckily my bank was on top of it and shut down my debit card once they realized what was happening. So, I spent about an hour at the bank on Tuesday getting everything straight and getting a new debit card. Luckily I have some cash on hand so I can live on it until I get the new card. My bank seems to think that the card must have been copied at a restaurant because they had the secret 3 digit code on the back of my card. The joke was on the idiot who stole my card.... I had only a little money in my account. The thief thought they were about to go on an Internet shopping spree... BUT not so fast. Luckily everything has worked out, but it was scary there for a while!

AND... since last week I have been tracking Hurricane Irene! I know I haven't posted about it, but I have been going to bed at 8:30 and getting up at 5:15.. so I have been way to tired to even think about writing something up! Right now we are getting lots of rain and wind and seem to have lucked out with a miss with this hurricane. We had a full day of school today, while the other school districts around us had early dismissals and even closed. I am just thankful to have some rainy weather so I can get some sleep. I just hope everyone else who is affected gets out as lucky as we did here in Myrtle Beach!

Also.... this is my 300th post! WHOO HEEEE! Who would have ever thought that! Yay for milestones!

Well, I am going to grab a bite to eat and then ride this storm out. Stay dry y'all!
:) JKP

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